Anthony Zarafa


Anthony is an enthusiastic Arakan Martial Art instructor who is passionate about empowering individuals through self-defense training and personal development. He embarked on his Arakan journey in 2019 and quickly realized the transformative power of this martial art.

As an Instructor, Anthony aims to provide his students with an experience that changed his own life for the better. His biggest Arakan achievement to date is successfully grading to his Yellow Belt, a testament to his dedication and progress in mastering the art.

Outside of Arakan, Anthony has a keen interest in body hacks and nutrition. He recognizes the importance of taking care of one's physical well-being and maximizing performance through proper nutrition and strategic approaches to the body. This interest reflects his holistic approach to personal growth and well-being.

Anthony's decision to start training in Arakan stemmed from his desire for self-defense. He understood the importance of being able to protect himself and loved ones in an increasingly unpredictable world. However, as he continued his training, he discovered that Arakan offered much more than just self-defense. It became a vehicle for personal development and self-improvement, both physically and mentally.

Driven by his own transformative journey, Anthony was invited to become an Arakan Martial Art Instructor to share the profound impact of the art with others. He believes that every individual has the potential to grow and flourish through Arakan, and he is committed to guiding and empowering his students along their own paths.

As an instructor, Anthony looks forward to witnessing the growth and progress of his students. He derives great satisfaction from seeing his students develop confidence, discipline, and a deep understanding of themselves. He takes pride in creating a supportive and empowering environment where students can unleash their potential and achieve their goals.

With his passion for self-defense, personal development, and a genuine desire to make a positive difference in the lives of others, Anthony Zarafa is dedicated to inspiring and empowering individuals through the practice of Arakan Martial Art.

Student Testimonials


Since approaching Arakan to see if it was possible if I could start my 4 year old son Levi with private lessons and potentially train in with him, we were met with Anthony, instantly he instilled values and strong characteristics in my son such as small things like a firm hand shake and to make eye contact with the persons hand you are shaking.  Throughout the sessions he incorporates myself training in with Levi making it fun and relating his teachings to Levi’s day to day life. Anthony shows high Levi’s of patience dealing with a young boy like Levi who can get side tracked from time to time, and manages to get his focus back to where it needs to be. He has shown a huge amount of growth in his personal development, coordination and most importantly his confidence. I’d like to thank Anthony for his continued help and support with myself and Levi.

Dylan Ackroyd

Book a complimentary intro lesson with Anthony Zarafa

*Limited places available, subject to instructor availability.

"I enrolled my daughter Ava into Arakan a few months after the sudden death of her father who passed away in a car accident in 2006. I chose sport as a therapeutic medium for Ava to release her grief and Arakan was a powerful healing tool for her in the first year following her father’s death.  Five years on she misses him naturally but Arakan has been a fantastic outlet for her in many ways & has helped her move forward into a brave, new & positive future - my little Urban Warrior"

Sheree, mother of Ava

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