Hamish Pentleton


Hamish Pentleton's journey into Arakan began in June 2020, spurred by a series of close encounters while traveling abroad during his early twenties. Recognizing the need for self-defense skills in an unpredictable world, he embarked on his Arakan training journey, seeking to equip himself with the tools necessary to protect himself and others if the need arose.

For Hamish, Arakan transcends mere self-defense; it's a transformative tool that has enriched every aspect of his life. Not only has it enhanced his physical capabilities, but it has also sharpened his mental acuity, empowering him to navigate life's challenges with confidence and resilience.

A key aspect of Hamish's Arakan experience is the vibrant community he has become a part of—a community that continually motivates him to push his limits and strive for personal growth. He relishes the raw efficacy of Arakan's fighting techniques, finding satisfaction in their directness and effectiveness.

As an instructor, Hamish finds immense fulfillment in sharing the gift of Arakan with others, aspiring to empower them to improve their lives just as Arakan has transformed his own. He approaches teaching with passion and dedication, aiming to instill in his students the skills and mindset needed to thrive both on and off the mat.

Outside of his training and teaching commitments, Hamish indulges in his passions for live music, camping adventures, and savoring good food. His personal goals include achieving the rank of orange belt and continually honing his skills as both a student and an instructor, all while embracing the enriching journey that Arakan offers.

Student Testimonials

I was very lucky to have Hamish for his 8 weeks instructor lessons training. My feedback on Hamish is based on those lessons and include: Managing time and gave clear easy to follow explanations and demonstrations Incorporated energy creation techniques and high motivation. Good eye for technical detail. We connected brilliantly with each other. Builds on the techniques well during the lesson and keeps to the core emphasis. Is calm, expressive and fun engaging personality. Created a positive, supportive, composed atmosphere. Emphasised safety during training (i.e. for my knees). Expresses Arakan's and his values. Schedule aligned with my availability. I had a clear understanding of Hamish's experience and training background. Really looked fwd to the lessons

Overall: I found Hamish to be very dedicated, focused, disciplined, responsible, confident, hard worker, respectful, a good mental strength and I see a bright long future ahead of him as he learns and progresses through Arakan. My post lesson indicators were exceeded and include: energised/pumped for many hours after lesson; felt exhausted during lesson; high level of excitement after; wanting more; surprised myself on abilities, allowed to "fail" and improve.

Wayne Brummer 

Hamish has been a pleasure to engage and train with. His approach is effective and his actual training has been clear, concise and to add inspiring for a beginner like myself. I would have no problem recommending him to people who want to learn Arakan. He means well with my needs and capabilities considered - also has special insight for his age. Thanking Rob, Pat and Hamish for these amazing opportunities with him. ?? very grateful.
kindest Regards,

Martin Alfoldi 

I trained with Hamish for around about 11 weeks. During that time Hamish really spent the time to get to know me and my limits with the martial arts space and push these boundaries. Hamish never made me feel silly for asking questions. Hamish always showed up 100% every session and made me feel safe and heard. Really thankful for the time I got to spend with Hamish and believe he will be very successful within the training space and help others reach their goals 

Aaron Highland 

I was fortunate enough to be given the opportunity to train with Hamish complimentary for 8 weeks. In that time he pushed me outside my comfort zone and encouraged me to challenge myself both mentally and physically. I really love Hamish’s passion for Arakan and i think it shows within his teaching style. He was able to adapt the lesson to suit me whilst also making them informative and fun. 

Brianna Budge

For the course of 10 Weeks I’ve had the honour of training with Hamish. Through this it has allowed me to have more consistency with my training, since I also have a group and private. His methods allowed me to improve on my techniques that I have learnt throughout my journey. Training with Hamish has been amazing and has taught me that I can always go past what I think the limit to my ability is. Through this I also have learnt the importance of getting important levels of sleep, food and water. It’s about enduring through the pain to reach past the limit to become stronger and better.

Jesse Galer 

I would wholeheartedly recommend Hamish. Over the past several months, my son has had the privilege of training under Hamish’s guidance, and the transformation we have witnessed has been remarkable. Hamish is not only skilled in Arakan, but he also possesses a deep understanding of the challenges young people face, such as bullying. Through his thoughtful and supportive teaching approach, he has significantly helped my son not only in self-defense techniques but also in building self-esteem and confidence. Hamish’s ability to connect with his students and inspire them is truly exceptional. Under his mentorship, my son has become more assertive and resilient, both physically and emotionally. Hamish emphasises respect, discipline, and perseverance, values that have been instrumental in helping my son overcome his challenges with bullying. I sincerely believe that Hamish's influence has been transformative for my son, and I am grateful for his dedication and empathy. Any student would be lucky to have him as their instructor.
Thank you Hamish for everything you have done for our family and the kindness you have shown. 

Kim Taylor 


Book a complimentary intro lesson with Hamish Pentleton

*Limited places available, subject to instructor availability.


After an unfortunate turn of events earlier in the year, all 3 of my kids now have self defence lessons every week. 

Today their Instructor 'pushed a button' and one of my kids started to break down, emotionally.

Their Instructor immediately stopped, walked over and put his arm around them, told them to let it all out and stood with them with his arm around them as they cried. He then used a circuit breaker activity to move on from it and was beautifully gentle for the rest of the lesson. 

Afterward they *child* told me that they felt a bit embarrassed for crying but their Instructor had made them feel safe in doing so and that they believed they would be safe to continue to release the emotional pressure caused earlier this year, with their Instructor. 

What a genuine and strong second male role model for my kids, other than their father. Money can't even buy that kind of authenticity. 


Perth Family

Knowing and recognising the signs that your child is being bullied is an important first step towards helping your child. The effects of bullying may be longstanding and may carry through from childhood to adulthood. These signs may be also point to other issues or problems, such as depression or substance abuse.


Neuroplasticity (also known as brain plasticity or brain malleability) is the brains ability to reorganise itself. New research shows this phenomenon continues throughout our adult life.