Laura Jones


Laura is one of only a handful of female Arakan instructors. Based in Brisbane city, she is dedicated to empowering women, ensuring they feel confident, safe, and powerful through their training.

Since 2014, Laura has immersed herself in the world of Arakan, and her personal journey through this martial art has been transformative. Starting as a young and timid 20-year-old, she has grown into a strong and empowered woman who now aims to guide other women on their path to confidence and self-discovery.

Laura's love for physicality extends beyond Arakan. She has actively participated in various sports and is a regular at the gym. Her passion for people is evident in her belief in the tribe mentality that Arakan fosters. She understands that the bonds formed within a training community can have a profound impact on personal growth and development.

Recognizing the holistic nature of personal well-being, Laura firmly believes that training extends beyond physical fitness. She emphasizes the powerful connection between mental well-being and physical health. Laura’s mission is to create a safe and supportive environment for women to challenge themselves and learn street effective self-defence skills.

Student Testimonials

I have been training with Laura for just over a year and what I enjoy most about our training is Laura’s motivation and positivity. Laura pushes me to train better and harder and has helped me so much with my confidence - not just with training. Training with Laura is the highlight of my week while at the same time I am getting fitter, stronger and healthier. 

Mel Wyer

Book a complimentary intro lesson with Laura Jones

*Limited places available, subject to instructor availability.


Arakan has helped Talia immensely.

It has given her discipline, greater confidence, focus and self-esteem. She now has greater awareness of bullies at her school and is assertive when required.

It has been the best activity that I have invested in for my child.


Amy, Mother of Talia

Knowing and recognising the signs that your child is being bullied is an important first step towards helping your child. The effects of bullying may be longstanding and may carry through from childhood to adulthood. These signs may be also point to other issues or problems, such as depression or substance abuse.


Neuroplasticity (also known as brain plasticity or brain malleability) is the brains ability to reorganise itself. New research shows this phenomenon continues throughout our adult life.